
Friday, August 3, 2012

High Five for Friday/Stencil Giveaway

Whew! What a productive AND fun week! I had Monday off, so it's always a good week when it's a short one. Let's get right to it shall we?

  1. Saw this beautiful rainbow right outside out house. If you look close enough you can see it is almost a double rainbow!
  2. FINALLY broke down and purchased the bird painting I have been wanting from Kirklands since we first moved. It went on sale so I snatched it up!
  3. The picture everyone has been waiting for....MY DRESS! I finally have it all finished. You can read about my trials and tribulations here
  4. Going out to eat is always a treat especially when you get to see an old friend and her BABY! ( I know I'm getting old when my friends have babies...)
  5. Lastly, it has been quite an exciting week for the Olympics! My favorite moment was when the Women's US Gymnastics team won the gold! LOVE!
The winner of the Moroccan Dream Stencil is.....MEGAN! Congrats girl! I can't wait to see pictures! Thanks everyone for entering and making my first giveaway a successful one.

I hope everyone had a fun week and are looking forward to the weekend! I know I am. I need some sleep after staying up until 1am every night this week watching the Olympics!

Link up here!

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life rearranged

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  1. Megan, as in me? or another Megan... if so, yay!!!!!!

  2. Your dress is GORG!!!! Can you make me one too?!?!! :)

  3. Your dress looks great. I'm working on my sewing skills and hope to be able to make my own dresses one day.

    Meandered on over from H54F!
