
Friday, August 17, 2012

High Five!

Another summer week has come and gone and Fall is just around the corner! I am already planning outfits with colored jeans and boots! Can't wait!

Here are my top 5 things from this week! Linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk.

  1. As mentioned in last Friday's post, a) I was contemplating buying a white lace dress (I DID, from Target!) b) I got tickets to my company's suite for the Kenny Chesney, Tim McGraw concert, so here is a picture of both! I met up with my friend, Keri from work and her friend Vicki. It was GREAT (and long, but worth it) day!
  2. The materials for my newest sewing project. I want a Chambray shirt like this, but can't seem to find one that fits the way I want, so I'm going to make one! I think it will look super cute with leggings and boots in the fall.
  3. I am trying to eat out less and cook at home more, so here is a Pinterest inspired meal: Peperoni Pizza Rolls! They were super easy and super delicious.
  4. Dr. L is my absolute favorite Riesling. I am always looking to try other wines, but end up reverting back to ye old faithful. You should give it a try!
  5. I'm sure you've already read about me signing up for the Disney Marathon, but it is such an exciting commitment I felt it deserved to be documented twice!
Hope your week was as exciting as mine! Stay tuned for a What to Wear Wednesday post where I will show how I made my Chambray shirt.



  1. love these!!! so fun. so glad to hear the concert was awesome! happy friday, girl!

    1. Thanks! It was a great time! Happy Friday to you too! (Creepy: I had a dream about you last night lol)

  2. Go you with the Disney marathon!! And Riesling is my favorite wine I will have to try Dr. L! Have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks girl! Yes, make sure you get the Dr. L (aka Dr. Loosen) It is usually at all the local grocery stores and is about $11 a bottle. Let me know your thoughts!

  3. Those pepperoni pizza rolls look so delicious!! Oh yum, yum, yum.
