
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Training Tuesday - Week 12 - Fail

I chose crafting over running this weekend....ooops. Do I regret it? Yeah a little (although it was definitely more fun than running). But I'm not going to beat myself up over it since I only missed a 4 mile run. It's a new week, and I have a 13 mile long run to do on Saturday! I WILL DO THIS!

Here are my two treadmill runs from Tuesday and Thursday of last week. Practically identical!

 I was determined to show I was a little bit faster on this run. :)

Tonight I plan on running 4 miles and maybe do 5 on Thursday since Saturday is such a long one. Usually I work my retail job after my long runs, so I don't end up being too sore because I stay on my feet the rest of the day. This weekend, after my run I am getting in a car to drive 2 hours to my in-laws. I'll let you know how my body handles that!

Grab a button and link up with me to tell me how YOUR training is going!


  1. GET IT GIRL!!!
    i finally did my dvd this morning for the first time in forever!!!

  2. Eh. If you missed only a four miler no worries. And smart plan staying on your feet after the runs. Good luck this week!
