
Friday, November 9, 2012

Shoes, Babies, and Kittens....Oh My!

Glad to be back in a normal-ish routine this week. The time change definitely has its pluses and minuses but I must say, I'm mostly happy about it. This time of year is my absolute favorite. I love the holidays and everything that comes with it (yes even the tight budget and family drama). So when I button up my coat to leave for work and the sun is setting on my commute, I'm a happy girl!

Hope everyone had another great week! Here are my highlights:

  1. As usual, Milo spends most of the day waiting to have his picture taken, so every now and again I oblige.
  2. As you saw last week, my sister-in-law had a beautiful baby boy! We headed to Richmond on Saturday to meet him. He was only a week old in this picture and I couldn't get over this adorable little outfit. All I could think about was the movie "A Christmas Story" and how the little brother getts bundled up to go outside to the point he couldn't move.
  3. Now that I'm back in a routine and marathon training is halfway over, I've decided to try and set a weight loss goal for myself. I'm using the Lose It! app to track my daily calories and weekly weigh-ins. Initial weigh in is complete and my goals have been set. Getting my cruise body ready for March!
  4. I fell in love with these red booties on Zulily and decided I HAD to have them. I haven't been sold on ankle boots until I saw these. Red and with a bow! I've already been dreaming of outfits for when they come. (Yes, I actually dreamt about them. Obsessed? Perhaps!)
  5. I keep seeing leopard shoes around and when walking through Target I stumbled across these beauties. They were on sale for $9 so I figured it was a good investment.
*Don't forget to follow this blog for a chance to win $40 in Mary Kay products! Enter here for your chance to win! Contest closes Midnight, Sunday.
Linking up with Lauren @ From My Grey Desk



  1. i have those target flats!! i wear them twice a least! you're going to love them! :)

    stopping by from the link up! happy friday! xo, sarah grace

  2. Love your new red booties! And what a steal on the target shoes!!

  3. Looks like a good week! Congrats on your nephew!

  4. babies and kittens the cute factor just went through the roof and how cool we have the dame goal weight though i'm sure your closer to your's then i am

  5. I really have to get some flats like that!! I just love them!! And, I'm pretty sure I could just smooch that baby til the sun doesn't shine!! What a doll!!

    New follower from #H54F. Have a wonderful weekend!

