
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All That Glitters is Gold

So I've mentioned it before, but I am really becoming a golden girl. I used to only wear silver but I'm not sure if it's my every growing love for the Redskins (burgundy and gold) or just because I'm seeing it everywhere lately, but it's official, gold is my new favorite!

Some of my "must have" gold basics are Jack Rogers Navajo Sandals (every girl needs a pair of jacks) and Glitter Toms. I of course have clothes with gold in them to add even more sparkle (as if the gold glitter Toms weren't enough!).

For today, if you haven't already guessed, the theme is GOLD! I have been waiting to wear this dress in the winter but couldn't because I didn't have a sweater to go with it. After searching for nearly a year, I finally found an understated gold cardigan that works perfectly!

Which do you prefer? Gold or silver?

Dress // Lilly Pulitzer
Sweater // Old Navy
Scarf // Mudpie
Earrings // Lilly Pulitzer (similar)
Bracelet // Kate Spade (similar)

Linking up with Lindsay @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW! 
pleated poppy


  1. ahhhhh i love this outfit. you look gorgeous, melissa! i don't have a preference, really. i usually like silver better but gold is growing on me!

  2. you look gorgeous!! i love gold, definitely pick it over silver.

  3. I totally feel you on the silver versus gold. I used to be "SILVER ALL THE TIME, NO EXCEPTIONS" but I'm finding gold has it's place in my collection (although ya know, most of it is fake hah)

    you look adorable in these pictures. your hair seriously looks fantastic

  4. Love the dress and cardi combo! I've been a silver girl most of my life, but I'm warming up to gold. I think my favorites right now are bronze-toned pieces.
