
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Training Tuesday - 1.15.13

Even though I'm not actively training for anything, I'm still going to keep up with Training Tuesdays to track my progress. Ironically enough, Sunday was the Disney Marathon, and I would be lying if I told you I didn't feel an ounce of regret. I know I made the right decision all around, (you can read all about it here) but a little piece of me wonders how would I have done?!  Something I've learned is to not dwell on failures. Sure, I punked out and didn't do the race, but it doesn't mean I'll never have the opportunity again. Hopefully, next time when I get the itch to do a marathon, I will look back on what happened over the last few months and decide to fully commit. For those of you who ran the marathon, CONGRATS! I was there in spirit cheering you on and can't wait to hear all about it!

With all of that being said, it is another week and I am still meeting my friend at the gym bright and early before work! I am on week 2 of these 5:45AM work outs and I couldn't be prouder of myself. I've always wanted to do morning workouts so my evenings would be free, but I never could make it happen...until NOW!

Today I am down another pound . I always wish the weight would come off faster (was hoping for 2lbs a week), but they say the slower the better, right? Only 6 1/2 weeks before the cruise and I plan to live in a bathing suit (without feeling insecure) for a week!

Speaking of bathing suits....I'm having major drama trying to find one. Anyone recommend a certain brand or store to get a bathing suit? I NEVER buy swimsuits but because of the cruise, I'm going to treat myself to a new one! I prefer modern one pieces or a skirted bikini. Let me know your thoughts!

Linking up with Helen @ Helen in Between for Tell Me About it Tuesdays!
Newlywed Moments


  1. Any workout is something to be proud of but early morning ones are even harder! Good for you! I remember your post about the marathon and just love your perspective about not living in regret :)
    I totally suggest Target's bathing suits! Their selection is huge and already out for the picking...

  2. Ah, it would be SO ideal to do early morning workouts. I'm sure it's hard making that commitment, so you go, girl! I just started a couch25k program that I'm trying my best not to give up on (it's wk 4 and I still feel like I'm about to die out there). I also just joined a gym for the first time in 7 yrs, and like you, I'm also tracking my progress on my site w/ weight checks and all, except I do it monthly. Hopefully it will keep me somewhat accountable! The way you're working out you're sure to be all set for your cruise! FYI: I love Victoria Secret swimsuits, you could browse around online!

  3. Girl, me and you are in the same boat, literally. I'm going on a cruise in about 6 weeks too and I swear, i'm eating better and working out and the weight isn't coming off. I refuse to be the fatty on our ship!

  4. 5:45 am?! that is incredible! and you should be very proud of yourself!

  5. First of all, I ADORE your button! I may steal it and put it on my page. :) Two, girl, could you give me some of your motivation?? 5:45 AM?? I do good to wake up and have some quiet/reflection/study time before the fam wakes up at 7:30! And I was giving MYSELF at pat on the back! Ha! Good for you! You should be proud! That takes dedication! I knew some people who were running the Disney Marathon. I would love to be a part of that someday, as I also have a Love/hate relationship with running. Trying to love it more tho. :) So glad I found your blog through the hop! I'm a new fan!
