
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

It's Time

I know I talk a lot about losing weight here, but for some reason I can't seem to commit to the lifestyle change. I know what I need to do, I've done it before, I just need to do it!

The last time I did a Training Tuesday post was over a month ago and I've managed to gain even more weight since then (devastating). Ever since I came back from Puerto Rico I can't seem to shed those lbs I put on while down there. (Damn those lime daiquiris!)

With only a few days left before I leave for the cruise, it's time to have real talk with myself. I can't go back to the weight I was at when I started all this nonsense 3 years ago (I'm only a few pounds away from my heaviest). Habits need to change and they need to change quick and for good!

Everyone needs to hit their breaking point. A moment where there are no more excuses. My moment was yesterday when I was attempting to pack for my cruise. My "go to" shorts and dresses are now obscenely tight and don't look the same as they did last year. I know what you're thinking. "Doesn't she leave in 5 days? How does she think she can change anything in just a few days? Wasn't she supposed to be working on all of this 6 weeks ago?" Well my friends, I failed. I never committed and here I am writing about this all too familiar topic again.

So as I had my mini breakdown while packing, I immediately stopped, changed into my gym clothes and went to the gym. Talk about seizing the moment! And boy did it work! I had one of the best workouts I've had in a while. I ran 3 miles in under 30 minutes, did arm weights with 10lb weights instead of 8, and even did 45 second planks in between my three sets! That was just what the doctor ordered! I already feel 10lbs lighter!

This weekend I watched history be made. The first ever women's UFC fight was Saturday and boy did it inspire me! A few summers ago, my girlfriends and I joined LA Boxing to get into shape. Not only did we tone up, but I gained the confidence I had always lacked when it came to my body. I felt strong. The fight this weekend made me miss all of that. Maybe that's a sign for me to reactivate my membership?!

Enough about me and my struggles, what was your biggest motivator? Also, what keeps you motivated when you want to quit? Sorry for the wordy post, but I think I needed to get all of that off my chest.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My boyfriend is definitely my biggest motivation. He forces me out the door and into the gym even when I'd rather stay at home and eat cookies lol!

  3. let's do it together! :)

  4. I hope you are feeling better about this today, and finding the motivation you need!
    I've never tried boxing before, but it looks really fun.
    I hope you have a great time on your cruise!!
