
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Weekly Weigh-In: Week 6

Another week down in the books and I'm finally starting to see progress! I didn't have a perfect week but I'm continuing with smart choices and working out a few days a week (need to step it up and try for 4 days this week). I am definitely on target with my birthday goal, so as long as I can keep this up, I'll be happy!

This week's weigh-in brought me down .8lbs for the week for a total weigh loss of 9.6lbs! I was really hoping to make it in the 140s this week, but there's always next week!

In other news, I reached 100 followers! And you know what that means?! It's giveaway time! Tomorrow I will host a giveaway for a custom made pom pom necklace as a way to say thank you for all the love and support I receive here.

I hope you had a successful week if you too are trying to shed those lbs! Keep up the good work!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for you!! I had an unfortunately difficult experience in a fitting room this weekend that has motivated me to up my game too! Looking forward to your progress (and the motivation it will give me!)
