
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What to Wear - Monochromatic

Mint isn't the only hot trend this season. Monochromatic styles seem to be popping up everywhere. I've seen a lot of different looks incorporating various shades of one color, so why not give it a try myself?!

So into my closet I went searching for enough of one color that I could turn into an outfit. It wasn't long before I came up with this outfit:

Dress: Me (more about it here)
Cardigan: Old Navy (old)
Shoes: Target (here
Necklace: Caroline G (here)*
Belt: Target (came off a dress) 

Getting into the monochromatic mindset was a bit more difficult then I thought it would be because I'm the queen of contrasting. I'm so bad that I can't stand to wear blue with denim! Usually with this dress I wear a wide white belt and a white cardigan, so I was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone by pairing it with a teal sweater and necklace. I had to throw the yellow belt in there to add a contrasting color (and because I didn't have a blue belt of any kind), but I think it all worked. What do you think? Was this a hit or a miss?

I hope this outfit inspires you to get creative with your closet. I felt like I had on a brand new outfit because I had never worn these pieces together before.

*To get my bubble necklace, enter code "Melissa" at checkout for 15% off your purchase!

Linking up with Lindsay @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW
pleated poppy


  1. That is such a cute dress. Now I'm curious to see how it came from to read that

  2. Love this combo! And this dress is fantastic. I've just started to learn how to make my own clothing so this is very inspiring!


    Oh, She Dabbles

  3. You definitely nailed this look! I used to be afraid of monochromatic too, but then I realized that it gave me a lot more ways to wear my clothes which was definitely a good thing. I love that dress you made - so impressive!

  4. I love that entire outfit! I want to wear it!

  5. Ah! I love this outfit- the dress print, the colors and the yellow belt. I have that sweater from Target too. I found you via The Pleated Poppy and yours is my favorite look of the week!

  6. The dress looks great with the teal cardigan. Love it.

  7. What a pretty outfit...I love these colors together! You look great :)

  8. That dress is gorgeous, and it's even more cool that you made it yourself!

  9. This is a REALLY cute look! Love it. stopping by from wiww.
