
Friday, July 5, 2013

High Five for Independence!

I hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July! I don't think my husband and I have ever seen fireworks on the 4th together. He grew up going to events that had big fireworks but his family never bought them and did them on their own. And ever since we've been married, we haven't' done anything or gone anywhere, so I was excited to have some plans! My sister invited us over and we lit a ton of good fireworks. It reminded me of my childhood when the neighbors would get together and put on a fireworks show. I hope everyone had a good 4th of July and got to see fireworks from wherever you were.

Now onto my high fives!
  1. In case you missed yesterday's post, this is Milo with the wreath I made. He really likes when I craft because he thinks everything is for him. He is probably trying to get a pipe cleaner and eat it here.
  2. Rocking the patriotic nails this week. I went and had gel nails done because I love how long they last and don't chip so I can keep with cleaning and crafting no problem.
  3. No 4th of July post is complete without a fireworks picture. This was my view last night: Spectacular.
  4. We went out to dinner for a friends' birthday and his 7 year old daughter was hell bent on getting lobster. I may or may not have encouraged it and begged that he let her get it mainly because I wanted to see her eat it. You should have seen the waiters face when they dropped the lobster off to the little girl!
  5. We had my parents over for dinner during the week, and I made baked ziti. It's a recipe you can't mess up and always tastes perfect!
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!
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  1. Your nails look so pretty! I tired doing some themed nails as well this week!
    I also love the picture of the little girl and he huge lobster dinner! How funny!
    Stopping in from High five for Friday link up!

  2. I'm a huge fan of the gel nails too. Have a great weekend. Came over from Lauren's Link up.


  3. Your cat is adorable! I love/hate when my cats get involved with every craft project I'm working on.

    Also, cute nails! I haven't tried gel yet but I want to soon. I hate when they chip on me!

    Visiting from H54F! Happy weekend :)

    Suzy @ Happy Wife, Happy Life
