
Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 19 Update

This is the week! As I alluded to on Friday, we have decided to share our little girl's name with you. It's hard to keep a secret, plus we've grown accustom to referring to her by her name: Charlotte (Charlie for short).

How far along?: 19 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Mango
Total weight gain/loss: 15lbs
The Bump: Growing slow and steady. I'm sure I'm going to wake up one day soon with a sudden bump.
Symptoms: Lower back aches from time to time, but nothing I can't handle
Food Cravings: I don't crave anything on my own, but if I hear about something someone else is eating, I suddenly want that.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope!
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good these days thanks to "Mr. Snoogle"
What I miss: Feeling like me. I find myself getting frustrated with my new limitations both physically and mentally.
Weddings Rings On or Off: On
Any Names Picked Out Yet: YES!
Gender Prediction: Girl!
Movement: I feel little tiny flutters every now and again that I'm pretty certain is movement
Maternity Clothes: Still wearing a mix of maternity and my regular clothes.
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: Knowing those tiny flutters where our little girl moving around.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: My anatomy appointment on the 20th!

Linking up with Molly and Carly for Funday Monday!
still being [molly]


  1. Love Charlotte! That was on our list of options, too. We have settled on a name for girl or boy (only one more week til we find out!), but I don't think we are going to share it until he/she comes! You look fantastic girl.

  2. You look great! And Charlotte is one of my all time favorite names! We can NOT agree on boy names, so I fear this little dude will be nameless for quite some time :).

  3. Came across your blog from the FundayMonday linkup and so glad I did! You're absolutely adorable and I'm excited to follow along your journey with little Charlotte! I know those first movements and knowing you have a growing, moving little being in there is amazing!

  4. YAY!!!!! this is so exciting! what a GORGEOUS GORGEOUS name! so perfect.
