
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Week 25 Update

I promise starting next week, these updates will be on Mondays again. These past two weekends have been crazy and I haven't had a chance to sit down and blog. This weekend in particular was very busy but soooo worth it!

It all started with an innocent trip to Richmond. We had been planning on going down this weekend to attend a friend's end of summer cookout. She sent out invites and everything! We drove down Saturday morning, and spent some time with my in-laws by going to various thrift stores hunting for maternity and baby clothes. Then it was time for the party. The four of us drove over and expected to spend the afternoon/evening hanging out with church friends and old family friends. Little did we know, this end of summer cookout was really a surprise shower for us! When we walked in we were so shocked to hear everyone yell, "Surprise!". When I saw my parents and sister (who live up north where we live), I completely lost it. I was so touched and speechless! My husband was just as shocked as I was. I can't believe he didn't know!

It took a little bit to process everything. And after we asked a thousand questions as to how this all transpired, we settled into our little party. The theme of the shower was diapers and I couldn't have been happier. Everyone warns you at how expensive diapers are, so when we opened package after package of diapers, I grew increasingly more and more excited. I think I have enough diapers to get me through the first 6 months of Charlotte's life!

Here are just a few pictures I have from the party. Thank you again to all our friends and family for their love and support this weekend. We can't even put into words how lucky we are to have each and every one of you in our lives.

 Such a cute diaper cake!

This was the same bassinet my husband slept in. My mother-in-law fixed it up to make it match the master bedroom. This is so special for so many reasons. 

Look at this cake! I wish I could explain to you how massive it was! I love how classic and simple it looks while still being super personal!

Now let's get on with the Bumpdate!

How far along?: 25 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Cauliflower
Total weight gain/loss: 20lbs
The Bump: Feeling HUGE!
Symptoms: Starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. My stomach sometimes feels so tight it's going to burst! I know it's only going to get worse in the third trimester, but I can't believe it's already feeling that way.
Food Cravings: Not a real craving, but I'm so thankful for candy corn season to be upon us. This is the first time I've been able to eat candy corn without feeling incredibly guilty about it.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: A few times this week I went from zero to starving in about 3.5 seconds. When I get that hungry, it turns into nausea, just like in the first trimester. Good news is, a little snack fixes me right up.
Sleep: I don't feel like I'm actually asleep. I don't know if it's the vivid dreams or the fact that every time I move I wake up, but I'm starting not to feel well rested.
What I miss: Mobility! I can't sit on my legs or cross them for long periods of time without feeling incredibly uncomfortable. I'm also noticing just bending over to get things off the ground is more challenging than ever.
Weddings Rings On or Off: On but getting tight
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Lovely little girl
Movement: I think she got stronger this week. I am feeling her kick and move a lot stronger than before
Maternity Clothes: Found some great clothes at the thrift stores in Richmond! I'm very excited for the cool weather to come for good so I can start styling my new-to-me clothes
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: My husband finally felt her kick! I was laying in bed and could see my stomach twitching so I called for him to come feel and sure enough, he felt her! I think he thought it was a bit weird, but deep down I know he loved feeling her moving around.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Almost the third trimester!


  1. I love the bassinet! How awesome. If you love candy corn, you MUST try the candy corn M&Ms. Seriously, amazing. I've already eaten a bag (and not feeling guilty hehe)

  2. I love the bassinet! How awesome. If you love candy corn, you MUST try the candy corn M&Ms. Seriously, amazing. I've already eaten a bag (and not feeling guilty hehe)

  3. There was some sale at Target on diapers after Henry was born and I had enough boxes shipped to me to last me a year. It was awesome!
