
Friday, October 11, 2013

High Five for Three Years!

I know what you're thinking, "Three years?! No way she's been blogging that long!" Well you're right. Today I'm celebrating a different anniversary completely unrelated to blogging, our wedding anniversary! I thought this was our two year anniversary up until a few weeks ago when I decided to check my math. How has it already been three years?! Time really does fly when you're having fun! This year will mark the beginning of a whole new journey in our marriage; a baby. I've always considered the two of us a family, but soon we will be a bigger family and I can't wait to embark on this new adventure!

Enough mush, let's get on with the high fives from the week!

1. Ok I lied. One more thing. Here is a picture of my husband and I during our first dance. We had such a blast that day. I wish wedding weren't so expensive and we could throw a big party like that every year!
2. How can you say no to this face? There is nothing I love more than to snuggle this face on the weekends. 
3. Time to bust out the Halloween decorations! I love how my decomesh wreath turned out. I think it's too pretty to put outside, so I hung it inside where I can enjoy it everyday. Also, these lighted pumpkins are a great way to personalize your space. Give it a shot and make your own!
4. I don't do it often, but sometimes you just really need a bath. There is nothing like a nice hot bubble bath to get your ready for bed. 
5. This little treat goes by so many different names. I prefer puppy chow. You can't go wrong with some chex mix, chocolate, peanut butter and powdered sugar for a sweet treat. You can find the full recipe on the chex cereal box. 

That does it for me this week. I hope everyone stays dry and enjoys this weekend. I'm actually looking forward to a chilly rainy weekend. 

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F.
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  1. Happy Anniversary! We celebrated 3 years back in July and I felt the same way - it really goes by fast. Love puppy chow, too!

  2. Happy Anniversary to you two!! Oh, I wish that we could throw a party every year as well...wouldn't that be so fun? We'll just have to save up for a big party on our 10th anniversary, right?!
