
Monday, October 28, 2013

Week 30 Update

Another week has come and gone and I am finally down to the single digits of weeks left (9 weeks 5 days)! This week is Halloween and I have a feeling the holidays are going to really make everything fly by. It was a pretty uneventful week as far as pregnancy goes and I can't wait to have my doctor's appointments closer together because that means it's almost time to meet Charlotte!
 Didn't realize my gut was in the way of the "C"....#pregnancyproblems
How far along?: 30 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Cucumber
Total weight gain/loss: 30lbs
The Bump: Ever growing
Symptoms: Normal aches and pains of being 30 weeks pregnant...swelling, sleepless nights and back pain
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular. Just sweets after my meal
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Getting more and more restless every night. I tend to wake myself up whenever I need to switch positions.
What I miss: My fall wardrobe. Don't get me wrong, maternity clothes are definitely comfortable and cute, but I just don't have the extensive selection that I do with my regular wardrobe. It's my favorite season for fashion and sometimes I find myself staring longingly at my old wardrobe in hopes of being able to fit into something.
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off, not even chancing putting them back on
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl!
Movement: Still tons and tons of movement. I love it!
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new and exciting this week. Trying to get through the next few months with what I have. The only thing I need to purchase or acquire is a maternity coat.
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: My mom bought a glider a few months back as a reading chair and is letting us borrow it for the nursery! It's basically on a temporary long term loan.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: My sister is throwing me a baby shower this weekend and I'm so excited to see people I don't get to see on a regular basis!


  1. You look amazing! Those last weeks dragged for me. I went into labor at 32 weeks and they stopped it, again at 34 and they stopped it and then at 38 weeks I finally went into labor naturally. Nature has a funny way of working like that. ;)

  2. You're doing great holding your weight at 30 girl! I hope you find a coat for cheap - I know exactly how you feel with wanting to make it with what you have.

  3. that's so exciting about your shower this weekend! and the glider! still looking wonderful!

  4. I love the 75% sign :)
    30 weeks is definitely a milestone!
    Your shower is going to be so fun!

  5. Wish we could have been there for all the showering! You are looking great and can't wait to meet my first Great-Niece!

  6. Looking forward to celebrating you and Charlie this weekend!
