
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Recaping 2013!

With so many things to be grateful for, it is hard to share only the highlights of 2013. I have a feeling 2014 is going to be even better considering we will finally get to meet our little girl! So as not to bore or ramble too much, I want to share with you a few of my favorite moments from the year. I hope everyone has a fun and safe New Years Eve and I look forward to seeing you all on the other side in 2014!

January - Went to Puerto Rico for a work trip!
February - We went on a  Disney Cruise at the end of February with both sets of parents, and we had a BLAST!
 March - Got to take a quick trip to Vegas for work
 April - MY 3rd niece, Sadie was born!
May - We're expecting!
June - Went to Disney for the last time without kids!
July - We found out we were having a GIRL!
August - Ramped up my Etsy shop and began having a lot of fun with my new embroidery machine.

 September - Nursery planning/projects became the number one priority!
 October - We celebrated our 3rd Wedding Anniversary at the Melting Pot.
November - Enjoyed Thanksgiving with my in-laws at their river house.

 December - Spent a nice relaxing Christmas at home with family!
And that sums up our year with just the highlights. Looking back, we had so many other wonderful moments, but I don't have the time or space to share it all with you. However, our biggest, most anticipated moment has yet to come, but I just know it's going to be the perfect start to our 2014!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 39 Update

I've decided that since I never got around to doing my 38 week update, I jinxed my chances of her coming soon. So back to the weekly updates in hopes she comes soon!

I'm not gonna lie, this has been a hard week for me as I've been feeling really defeated. Now that Christmas has come and gone, I find myself with not much to do but to dwell on the fact that we don't have a baby yet (yes, I'm aware I'm still early, but a girl can dream right?). At my last appointment, I was only 1cm dilated and 50% effaced; I was really hoping for more progress than that and was told to just have patience (clearly my doctor doesn't know me). I have another appointment today, and I'm hoping to have made more progress and if I'm lucky, maybe set an induction date because the last thing I want to do is go more than a few days past my due date.

How far along?: 39 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Watermelon
Total weight gain/loss: 45lbs
The Bump: HUGE
Symptoms: Numbness in my fingers, heartburn, back aches.....
Food Cravings: Ice. It's my favorite thing.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Sleep is getting harder and harder. I'm so uncomfortable with my arms falling asleep, the heartburn and trying to get comfortable, that I sleep for about an hour at a time.
What I miss: My energy! I want to get stuff done around the house, but I just can't seem to do more than one task at a time before I'm laying on the couch or the bed for a few hours.
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: She is moving less often, but when she moves it's crazy! She is everywhere!
Maternity Clothes: Hoping to be packing them up for a while soon!
Labor Signs: Sometimes I will fee like I'm having contractions every 10 minutes and then they will stop. So frustrating! I'm doing everything I can think of to get labor started, but I'm quickly realizing that none of it works and she will come when she's ready.
Best Moment of the Week: Enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend that included an epic 3 hour nap on Saturday. I don't remember the last time I did that!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Meeting Charlotte! I know we are close! Hopefully no more than 1 week left!

Friday, December 27, 2013

High Five for Friday! - Christmas Edition

I know it's been forever since my last post and you are probably thinking we had baby Charlotte during that time. Unfortunately, no. I was just super busy getting everything prepped for Christmas and took some extra time to spend with my family. Now that Christmas is over, we are definitely ready for Charlotte to make her appearance any day now!
Instead of just 5 high fives, I decided to do a mini photo dump of what the holidays have been like over here.
  1. Since I can't travel more than an hour away from the hospital, my husband's family came up to celebrate Christmas with us last weekend. Our nephew, Jacob is so sweet and absolutely adores anything that is soft. He will just face plant into it.
  2. My sister has 3 daughters, and this is Hadleigh, her middle child. She is about 18 months and has such a fun personality. She loves playing with her Uncle "Christmas" (as they call him).
  3. Her littlest daughter, Sadie, was completely tuckered out from all the festivities and struck this cute pose while sleeping on the couch.
  4. A couple weeks ago, we went to a gingerbread house making event where you got to make your own gingerbread house and take it home. The best part about doing this was we didn't have to worry about the mess. We just took a finished product home!
  5. My parents house around Christmas time is the best. I stayed on the couch for most of it, but I can't complain about my view!
  6. As I mentioned before, I was busy making our Christmas gifts this year. You probably already saw on my Instagram account some of my projects, but here is one of the shirts I made my 3 nieces. Big sister, little big sister and lil sister. I really liked how they turned out. Hopefully they can all get pictures taken in them together!
  7. Even Milo loves Christmas! Ok, maybe he was forced into it. But I couldn't pass up this sweet tie at 50% off. He needed to be dressed for the festivities as well!
  8. One of my friends, got Charlotte her first ever Lilly Pulitzer dress! I'm so excited for her to wear it hopefully this summer! Isn't it adorable?!
  9. Lastly, I couldn't resist this picture. Milo snuggled up and resting on my ever growing belly and watching TV might have been the sweetest thing he's done in a while. I love my cat!
That pretty much sums up what I've been up to. I know I completely missed my Week 38 bumpdate and I'm pretty mad at myself about it too. I was so good all pregnancy until week 38. As long as she doesn't come this weekend, I promise to do the 39 update on Monday!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas and enjoyed some quality time with your families. New Years is next and we have no plans in hopes that our new addition will make her debut!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week 37 Update

Bear with me over these next few weeks as the content on here will be sporadic and not very groundbreaking (not that it ever was). I'm in crunch time with not only the arrival of little Charlotte, but with Christmas just about a week away! I'm so not ready for this!

This week feels good. I've reached the full term milestone. In just a few short weeks we should be meeting our little girl and I couldn't be more ready!

How far along?: 37 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Winter Melon
Total weight gain/loss: 45lbs
The Bump: I feel like it's growing by the minute!
Symptoms: Swelling, numbness and fatigue. But that's to be expected at this point
Food Cravings: I'm really into chewing ice right now. Strange, I know, but it could be worse!
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Still touch and go. Some nights are better than others.
What I miss: Normal use of my hands. Since my fingers have gone numb, it makes it really hard to craft and do the things I love. I can't wait to get the feeling back in my hands!
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: Lots and lots of movement
Maternity Clothes: Nothing new to say here. I'm ready for my old wardrobe.
Labor Signs: Things seem to be progressing normally. I'm having Braxton Hicks contractions every hour or so. Nothing too painful as of yet.
Best Moment of the Week: Enjoyed a nice relaxing weekend that included an epic 3 hour nap on Saturday. I don't remember the last time I did that!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: The big day! I've said it before, but now that we are full term I can safely say she can come any day now!

Friday, December 13, 2013

High Five for Christmas Time!

I'm so glad this week flew by! I'm already counting down the days until I'm officially on maternity leave! One more free weekend before Miss Charlotte arrives - definitely a scary thought. Enjoy my high fives before baby takes over!
  1. First snow day of the year and I miss it! I was in Richmond for work and all we got was rain! I was happy to see that there was still some left when I got home. Almost made it ok!
  2. Milo will make a bed out of just about anything. Of course I couldn't resist taking a picture of him loving on the Frye boot box!
  3. It was nice to spend some time with my Richmond family this weekend. My little nephew, Jacob is super sweet in his little Sponge Bob hat!
  4. It finally happened! My husband wanted to get me a push present and after all my talking about Frye boots he decided this is what it would be. The only reason I have them now is because on Cyber Monday we were able to get them for 25% off! If you know Frye boots, you know they never go on sale. Sot it was the perfect time to get them. I can't wear them until after Charlotte is born mainly because my giant swollen legs and feet can't get in them, but also because they are a gift for after she's born! So in the closet they will go!
  5. I couldn't help but share this amazing kitty Christmas sweater. some would call it an Ugly Christmas Sweater, but I call it puurrfect! (yeah that just happened). The best part was I put this on at work to see people's reactions, but no one said anything! I think they were scared to mess with a pregnant lady's emotions.
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 36 Update

I know I'm super late with this post, but I've made it this far and I'm not about to start skipping a week! I have worked very hard to post these weekly updates and with just a few left, it's better late than never. As of today, my countdown is down to 23 days instead of 28 since I'm nearly done with week 36.

How far along?: 36 weeks, 5 days
Baby is the size of a:
Total weight gain/loss: 40lbs
The Bump: I feel like she might have dropped a little
Symptoms: Heartburn, heartburn and heartburn. I've learned to sleep sitting up and that tums are my best friend.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: I'm getting used to sleeping a little here and there. Between the numbness, having to go to the bathroom and the heartburn, there isn't a lot of quality sleep happening.
What I miss: Everything about not being pregnant. I know that sounds terrible, but as most women at this point, I'm done.
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: She constantly moves, but I'm starting to feel her lower which is good.
Maternity Clothes: Rotating between the same 5 things, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!
Labor Signs: Really started having Braxton Hicks contractions this week. Definitely an odd feeling, but not painful.
Best Moment of the Week: We went to Richmond over the weekend for my father-in-laws 60th birthday party. It was so nice to see friends and family.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: It's hard to wrap my head around Christmas with all the baby things happening, but I'm really looking forward to it!

Friday, December 6, 2013

High Five for Friday!

The first part of this week seemed to really drag by. But by the time Wednesday came, Friday was practically here! I apologize in advance for not posting as much these next few weeks. I'm busy with Christmas, prepping for Charlotte and fulfilling Etsy orders! Whew! Don't forget, you have until midnight tomorrow night to get those orders in before I close my shop. No need to fear, I'll be back around mid January.

  1. As you know, I spent a lot of time debating what to do for a diaper bag. I loved all your advice and decided to go with a cheap, generic bag that I wouldn't mind getting dirty and can easily be replaceable and then added my own little flare with a monogram! I couldn't be happier with this outcome.
  2. Etsy orders have been in full swing this week. This was one of my favorite projects I got to do; make Disney key fobs for fish extender gifts.
  3. I think when you get pregnant, your name automatically gets put on a lot of different lists. I can't complain because they sent me two cans of formula and some samples!
  4. On Black Friday, Build A Bear was selling these precious boy and girl sock monkey pair for $15. I couldn't resist, as I think they will look good with our Christmas decorations and will be something sweet for Charlie to play with.
  5. I couldn't resist not posting this picture of my youngest niece, Sadie. She decided she wanted to cheer for Notre Dame by wearing her Uncle's hat.
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nursery Reveal

I apologize for posting late today, as I'm a little off my normal routine this week. I haven't forgotten about my Week 36 Update either. I'm hoping to post that on Wednesday. As for today, I wanted to reveal Charlotte's nursery! You've seen most of it through various DIY posts, but I think it's more fun to look at the finished product, don't you agree?

A lot of people are shocked that I didn't go with a straight Disney theme for Charlotte's nursery. To be honest, I didn't want it to be over the top. I felt like once you started getting the bedding sets and wall art, it would just look like a Disney explosion. Usually I'm all for such a thing, but I wanted this room to be special and unique. I wanted to create as much as I could on my own. so as far as themes go, I like to call this room "My Favorite Things". As you scroll through the pictures, you will see a little Disney, Lilly Pulitzer and shabby chic all come together in one place.

The chandalier was one of the first pieces I bought as soon as we found out we were having a little girl! It's from Ikea and was the perfect inspiration piece to get the rest of the room to come together.

I'm borrowing (using this term loosely as my mom reads this here blog) this glider from my mom. i convinced her that I could make better use of it than she was since it just sat in her hallway upstairs. You will see the quilt draped over the back, yeah mom made that. It's pretty awesome don't you think?!

Here it is up close.
She used Lilly Pulitzer fabric for all the little dresses and the rest of the fabric is from other projects throughout the nursery to help tie everything together.

Ok, I lied. The first thing you probably notice in this picture is the fact that the dresser is missing it's drawer knobs. This is the last thing I need to get done and it has become the bain of my existance.

No little girls' room is complete without a place to store all those bows and headbands! I made this bow holder (link to tutorial below) and decided it was missing something: a place for all those headbands. All I did was take "S" hooks and screw them into the frame and Voila!

My mom had some leftover Lilly fabric from the quilt so I decided to make a couple of pillow cases for the crib and glider. Just another way to tie the Disney/Lilly theme together.

One of my favorite projects was this bookcase. You can't really see in this picture (check out the one above it), but I painted and decoupaged it with scrapbook paper and a Disney Lilly Pulitzer print that I printed off from online that was done decades ago!

In this picture you can see the wall art above the crib is Disney Princess silhouettes backed with the same scrapbook paper from the bookcase.

So there you have it. I really couldn't be happier with how everything turned out. The whole process was definitely a labor of loved (pun intended) and it came together one little project at a time. Below is a list of all the project tutorials I did for your reference.

Clothes Organizers (not pictured above)
Dresser Drawer Knobs (not pictured)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Transitioning Summer to Fall - WIWW

When you're pregnant you want to buy maternity pieces that can be worn through a few different seasons. I try to get as many things on clearance as I can since budgeting for a new family member is expensive enough without having to buy a brand new wardrobe. What this will mean is the pieces I get on clearance are usually from the season prior. Don't let that stop you though. You can make a lot of summer things transition to the fall and even winter with the proper accessories.

For today's outfit, just adding tights boots and a jacket (dress is sleeveless) instantly turned a summer dress into the perfect fall dress. Who says you can't wear florals in the fall?!

 Outfit Details:
Dress - Target (similar here)
Jacket - Old Navy (old)
Boots - Madden Girl

Almost 36 week bump!
Linking up with Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW 
pleated poppy

Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 35 Update

It's always hard going back to work the Monday after a holiday weekend. I'm just grateful that I only have a few more weeks, before I'm on maternity leave! We have everything we need for Charlotte, so as far as I'm concerned, she can come any day now.

How far along?: 35 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Coconut
Total weight gain/loss: 40lbs
The Bump: Staying the same. Hopefully she drops soon!
Symptoms: The nausea that I had from the first trimester is back. Thankfully I don't actually get sick. I just feel super nauseous if I go too long between meals.
Food Cravings: I've been on a milkshake kick this week....ooops
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Not eating makes me sick.
Sleep: Numbness is getting so bad! I wake up multiple times a night with no feeling from my fingertips to my elbows. I think this is one of the worst symptoms.
What I miss: My lung capacity. Climbing the 4 sets of stairs to get into my house gets harder and harder everyday.
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: Still tons of movement. I'm not sure if this foreshadows a very active little girl. But I never go more than a few hours without feeling her.
Maternity Clothes: Officially over it.
Labor Signs: Not that I know of!
Best Moment of the Week: Thanksgiving of course! It was fun to spend time with family and to see everyone so excited and anxious for Charlotte to get here!
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: I have an appointment today and I'm hoping to get some more information on her size and positioning. Who knows, maybe this will be the month we bring her home!

Linking up with Molly for Funday Monday!
still being [molly]

Friday, November 29, 2013

High Five for Black Friday!

I know I'm a little late posting, but it has been quite a busy day! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoyed much deserved time with friends and family. I know I did! The reason I'm not getting to my high fives until now is because I've been Black Friday shopping! I wasn't really on the hunt for any crazy deals, but I did use the time to get the rest of Charlotte's stuff.

  1. Sometimes Milo thinks he's the sous-chef. He likes to supervise and watch me cook.
  2. We went to a fun Irish Pub to see a family friend's son play in his band. The music and company were great. Not to mention it was a nice change from our normal routine.
  3. Here is my Black Friday stash. It started at 1am and then we took a nap and started again at 11:30am-5pm. It definitely feels a lot more tiring when you're 8 months pregnant!
  4. We spent Thanksgiving down at my in-laws river house and even though it was cold, it was nice to be down there. Here is my newphew, Jacob and I taking selfies. He's already a pro!
  5. As you may have seen, I got some super cute Disney Christmas ribbon in and went right to work on making some Christmas bows. You can get these in my Etsy shop for 20% off with code: LITTLEBOLT20.
I love that my weekend is just beginning even though it feels like it's already over! As always, linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 34 Update

I almost didn't do a post this week because I couldn't get it together. I have just been dragging lately. I still think I can do it all, and after I do one task I realize I am too tired to do anything else. So this week, I have been working on cooking dinner every night after work and cleaning the house which has left little time for this here blog. But after not missing a week since I started, I realized I couldn't miss this week. We are so close! I can't stop now!

How far along?: 34 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Butternut Squash
Total weight gain/loss: 40lbs
The Bump: Feeling like it's going to pop!
Symptoms: Typical third trimester woes...back aches, swelling and numbness in my hands (most annoying of them all)
Food Cravings: Still eating the same. I have yet to crave something where I have to have it right then.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Restless. My numbness in my hands and arms is the worst at night when I try to sleep. Any tips or tricks with this?
What I miss: Same things - my old body, being able to breath and having energy. But all that will be back eventually!
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: Lots of strong kicks and rolls. Feels extremely weird sometimes.
Maternity Clothes: Ready to pack them up!
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: Getting lots accomplished around the house. It has felt like forever since I deep cleaned. Glad I did it, but I'm definitely paying for it as far as aches and pains.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: I have an appointment next week and I'm super curious to see what position she's in. Hopefully she has flipped.

Friday, November 22, 2013

High Five for Friday - FINALLY!

Did anyone else feel like this week just dragged by? It was one of those weeks where nothing super exciting happened and everyday seemed to be the same, like the movie "Groundhog Day". I'm so glad it's over and next week is a short work week then Thanksgiving! I'm going to be off for 5 consecutive days and I couldn't be happier!

It was a struggle to come up with my high fives for the week because all I did was go to work, come home, make dinner and fulfill Etsy orders until bed. So exciting, I know. At least we did some fun stuff over the weekend!

  1. There is nothing better than coming to work and finding a colossal sprinkled donut sitting on your desk! Made. My. Day.
  2. Obligatory Milo picture. What's funny about this picture is, my snoogle (pregnancy pillow) is under the covers and he decided to use it as a bed. Per usual, he's annoyed that I interrupted his nap to take a picture. Sorry that I'm not sorry!
  3. This is one of my nieces, Hadleigh. I can't get over how big she is getting. On Saturday my whole side of the family went to a tree lighting ceremony in our little town and it was so much fun. They had carriage rides, hot chocolate and even Santa and Mrs. Clause made a visit!
  4. Here is a picture of the tree from the lighting. It never gets old, still takes my breath away.
  5. As I mentioned before, I've been busy fulfilling Etsy orders. In fact, if you were thinking about getting a head start on some Christmas shopping, I'm offering 20% off everything in my shop with the code: LITTLEBOLT20. Here is my latest wreath that I made for someone over the weekend. I was so happy with how it turned out that if I get any time, I just might have to make one for myself.
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!
 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.png

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

WIWW - Outtake Edition

This week I decided to switch it up and introduce you to the not so glamorous side of blogging. I got this idea from my fellow blogging friend, Clare over at Clarabelle. She always has the best outfit pictures (girlfriend should be a model), but recently she started sharing her hilarious outtakes and I decided to dig up some old pictures and see what ridiculousness I could find (not a .

In the beginning, I would set up my tripod and put my camera on a timer and attempt to take my own pictures. Let me tell you, that is not for the faint of heart. It takes FOREVER to get a decent shot and usually there is something wrong because you didn't have someone telling you that your hair is sticking straight up, so you have to set the shot up all over again.

After a few weeks of doing this on my own, I decided I couldn't take it anymore and needed to enlist my husband for help. A standard outfit shoot with him goes something like this: I strike the typical girl pose, he snaps a million pictures in hopes that I'll be satisfied with one and we can be done. I usually try out different poses and continue to move around while he snaps away and we either strike gold or end up with one of the following pictures. Enjoy!

I think this was my husband's attempt at an artsy shot. Clearly I'm not amused.
 Even the bump pictures can get wild. I'm pretty sure this face was made because my cheeks hurt from smiling for so long (I could never be s celebrity).
I think I'm about to snatch the camera right out of his hands.
 I feel so awkward sometimes and don't know what to do with my hands (insert Ricky Bobby's quote from Talladega Nights here)
 Thank you for just jumping the gun and snapping pictures when I'm not ready. NOT!
 One of the most unattractive faces I've made. Apparently when I'm done taking pictures, I'm done.
 Just your typical bossy picture. It wouldn't be an outfit post if I wasn't yelling at him for something.

I'm going to leave you with this little gem. There are no words.
Hope you enjoyed a little laugh at my expense! I know I did. I must give a special thanks to the man behind the camera who has the patience of a saint when taking my picture week after week. I give him a hard time, but he really does a great job photographing my outfits, but an even better job at capturing these candid moments!
Linking up with Lindsey @ The Pleated Poppy for WIWW

pleated poppy

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Get Rid of Those Stinky Towels

When you least expect it, it hits you; that awful, stinky, mildew smell. Sure we've all done it (left the clothes in the washer a little too long before switching to the dryer). A quick rewash, or even just a couple of extra dryer sheets, and it's like it never happened. Right? Wrong!
I used to get away with this reckless behavior, until that fateful day when my mother-in-law called me out on this problem. I always want my house guests to feel like they are in a hotel, so I lay out fresh towels and even provide them with travel sized toiletries when they stay the night . To hear that my fresh towels were far from fresh, I was so embarrassed. The good news is she didn't leave me without a solution. So I'm here today to pass her little trick along to you, so as to save you from my embarrassing stinky mildew towels!

What you'll need:
Stinky towels
Baking soda (optional)
  1. Gather all those smelly towels and throw them in the wash.
  2. Instead of putting detergent in, pour a cup of vinegar in the detergent spot (for front loaders) or straight into the machine for top loaders.
  3. Run the washing machine using hot water and sit back while the magic happens.
  4. Before throwing them into the dryer, throw about 1/2 cup of baking soda in with those towels (for both front and top loading machines, put directly in the machine).
  5. Run the washer with hot water again
  6. Switch to dryer
You might not notice at first, but let me tell you, as soon as you use that towel after a shower, you will. I didn't do the baking soda step when I did mine, but I hear it makes your towels extra fluffy. Who doesn't love a good fluffy towel?

I hope this helps and will save you the embarrassment of a house guest telling you that your towels smell. I can't wait to do this to ALL my linens: towels, washcloths, sheets, etc. The possibilities are endless!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 33 Update

I can't believe I got my act together this weekend to get this post out today! Go me (its the little things)! I'm finally starting to feel like my old self now that I've shaken this cold. Who would have thought a simple cold would be so debilitating to a pregnant woman?! Glad that's over.

Without further ado, this week's bumpdate!

How far along?: 33 weeks, 2 days
Baby is the size of a: Durian fruit (no idea what that is)
Total weight gain/loss: 38lbs
The Bump: Getting rounder, looks like I stuffed a basketball under my shirt!
Symptoms: Just exhausted this week from the cold. I think I was so distracted by being congested that the rest of the everyday aches and pains of being pregnant didn't seem to bother me.
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Partway through the week I started sleeping much better because I could breath!
What I miss: Energy. It seems like the littlest things take so much out of me. Grocery shopping has now become exhausting!
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: TONS! I think she really had a growth spurt this week.
Maternity Clothes: Making do with what I have, although my clothes seem to be shrinking.
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: I know I sound like a broken record, but my best moment this week was getting rid of this cold and getting a good night sleep.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: To finally get to meet her! I know I've said that before, but we are getting soooo close! I can't wait to hold her in my arms!

Linking up with Molly for Funday Monday!
still being [molly]

Friday, November 15, 2013

High Five for the Weekend

  1. Believe it or not this was the first time I've had Cold Stone my entire pregnancy. I was so excited that I forgot to take a picture of the actual ice cream. So all I have to show for it empty cup.
  2. As I mentioned last week, we decided to decorate for Christmas! Or as I like to call it: Decking the Halls. This is now my favorite room in our house. It's complete with the official Disney monorail!
  3. Obligatory Milo picture. I found out what happens when I don't make the bed; Milo lays in it. If the bed is made, he never gets on it....I don't hate it.
  4. Our sweet friends, Will and Marie just had their own baby girl last month, but were thoughtful enough to send our future baby girl a personalized piggy bank. It's never too early to start her Disney fund!
  5. I finally got around to playing with some of my holiday Disney ribbon and made some pretty sweet bows. I have lots of different holidays so feel free to check out my Etsy shop to customize your own!
Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth for H54F!
 photo H54Fbutton-1_zpsa7aaa665.png

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Diaper Bag Dilemma

For months, I convinced myself that I did NOT need a diaper bag. I have a nice big purse, what more do you need, right?! WRONG! I have found post after post on diaper bag reviews and started thinking, am I missing something? Obviously I am. Everyone seems to have a very strong opinion on diaper bags and it's just not something I've even given a second thought.

So here is where you come in. I'm asking for all you experienced moms out there to show me the light.

1. Are diaper bags a necessity?
2. What do you even look for in a diaper bag?
3. Are the only ones worth buying the ones that cost a fortune?
4. What did you use?

Thanks for your help! :) 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 32 Update

Sorry for the lack of post yesterday, I have caught a little cold and since I can't really take anything, I've just been feeling run down. But I did manage to muster the energy and do a chalkboard update!

How far along?: 32 weeks, 3 days
Baby is the size of a: Jicama (Apparently it's a Mexican root)
Total weight gain/loss: 37lbs
The Bump: Feeling huge!
Symptoms: Heartburn still going strong and general comfortableness has set in.
Food Cravings: The usual, always wanting something sweet.
Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope
Sleep: Very restless at night. It doesn't help that I have a cold and can't breath through my nose, so sleep is the worst part of the day.
What I miss: Bending over without having to hold my breath.
Weddings Rings On or Off: Off
Any Names Picked Out Yet: Charlotte Noel
Gender Prediction: Girl
Movement: Lots of kicking and rolling this week. My stomach visibly twitches throughout the day. I can almost start to tell what body part is where.
Maternity Clothes: Always looking for a good piece on sale. The Target Cartwheel app has 25% off your entire Liz Lang purchase, so that has come in handy!
Labor Signs: None.
Best Moment of the Week: Had another doctor's appointment and my swelling had gone down and I got to hear her little heart beat again. There is something magical that I can't explain about listening to the heart beat. It makes everything seem so real.
What I’m excited about/looking forward to: I'm getting all ready for the holidays. I can't wait for Thanksgiving, a little Black Friday shopping, Christmas and then baby time!